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About Us

Chinook Wind Cabins are owned and operated by Mike and Tracy Steere. Ours is a family run business in the center of Talkeetna, Alaska.

Privacy Policy

Chinook Wind Cabins respects your privacy and any information gathered through our website will be used for the purpose intended, to provide information and reservation services to our guests.

All images and information contained in this website is the express property of Chinook Wind Cabins or the parties who have given express permission for information or images used on the website. No information or images on this site should be used without express written permission from Chinook Wind Cabins.

If you have questions or comments regarding our website please

Frequently Asked Questions

We've added answers to some of the most common questions asked by our guests and visitors to our area. If you have a question that has not been included feel free to contact us through our online form.


Talkeetna is located about 120 miles north of Anchorage and can be reached year round by highway, railroad, and air.

By road from Anchorage you will head North on the Glenn Highway to the George Parks Highway. Continue through the towns of Wasilla, Big Lake and Willow to the Talkeetna Spur Road. Continue to the town of Talkeetna.

Charter flights are available from several air taxis. The Talkeetna Airport has parking available for those flying their own planes into Talkeetna. A Flight Service Station is manned year round.

Various shuttle companies offer daily service to and from Talkeetna.

The Alaska Railroad offers daily summer operations from Anchorage, Denali, and Fairbanks. The also offer limited winter operations to Talkeetna. These trains are the last flag stop trains in the US!

What is there to do in the Off-Season?

Winters in Alaska can be long but there is plenty to do for both visitors and locals. Talkeetna is the perfect location to view the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis), try a bit of snowshoing or cross country skiing, or enjoy a flight over the spectacular Alaska Range.


Per the NPS Website, climbing Denali is a very serious undertaking and should be treated as such. Denali is an expedition, meaning that the mountain is almost always a multi-week endeavor, which is very different than an overnight or even multi-day climb. All team members should have previous experience in the "expedition environment." Also, Denali is a very cold place. Experience with winter camping in arctic type conditions is extremely valuable and should be considered mandatory. Last but not least, Denali is a high mountain, and some previous experience with altitude and acclimatization is very helpful. The National Park Service offers briefings, maps and firsthand knowledge of intricate climbing routes. Chinook Wind Cabins is an ideal location for pre or post Denali expeditions.

Pet Policy

Pets are not allowed on property without prior approval. Please email or call (907)733-1899 for more information.


Downtown Talkeetna image courtesy of Lisa Myers, Lisa's Country Photos

Special thanks to the Talkeetna Historical Society, the Mat-Su Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Alaska Railroad.

Denali Photograph purchased from Adobe Stock Images

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